Monday, April 25, 2011

Hey guys, I'm back! I was thinking about things to rant about, and I figured why not do a rant about... *Dun dun dun* Rants!!!
-Flashy Intro-
So the reason I wanted to do a rant about ranting was because my friends said they didn't get why I had this blog. I told them a few things like, "'Cause I'm bored," and "I think the world needs to hear my pure awesomeness." 
Mainly the first one. But I am awesome. (And humble, too!)
And since I'm only 12, my opinion hardly counts when there are a plethora of adults around me. I always thought that was a little unfair, because just because I'm a kid doesn't mean I don't have an opinion. Even if they did shove it aside or tell me why it didn't make sense, it'd be nice to be heard for once...
But thats the thing with adults. Sometimes it feels like they're lording over you and exist just to make your life miserable. But even though I hate to admit it, I know they're right and they're just doing what's best. 
That brings me to reasons/excuses you get from your mom and dad. 
Number 1: Because I said so. - They ARE in authority, but parents, maybe a little reason couldn't hurt... we just wanna know what our efforts are going to.
Number 2: When YOU'RE an adult and get a job and pay the bills... - Grrr. I hate this one. I mean, parents, you have a point... but can't you just lay off us a little?

Okay, so maybe it wasn't a "Grand List," but still. Those are my LEAST favorite excuses. 
Whatever. I gotta go watch some Psych! Bye!
-Pinkblackhamlett, signing off.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I've been AFK For a While

Hey guys! Sorry I've been gone, but I've been busy you know?
I redecorated my room! Er, my bed at least. Its all funky and stuff! And I realized that I was me and no one else, and it really DOESN'T matter what other people think. Yesterday I would've thought the new set I got was too girly, but then I thought, What the heck. Its my bed, not my friends'. I really like the new bed though!!!