Sunday, December 26, 2010

Plagiarists Rant

So I was on Youtube the other day, looking at Shukei01's awesome digital art channel. I was watching "How to draw a woman in MS Paint" and then it was time for bed.
As usual, I brushed my teeth and went to bed (And I actually dreamed about MS Paint... it was a really weird dream). I woke up the next morning and I felt like watching it again, so I looked up "Woman in MS Paint" and it took me to the results page where I realized there was a video by someone to awful to even mention and it says: "Just a really quick video of how to draw a woman in MS Paint. OH! And when it says 'by shukei' at the end, shukei is just one of my game names, so yeah... enjoy!"

I was like, "Really? I mean really." There were MOUNDS of evidence piled against him. If you're going to plagiarize, do it right. 
First piece of evidence: His other MS Paint videos totally suck. I'm MH2girl, you can read my comments and stuff.
Second piece of evidence: His video is in horrible quality where as the original is fine.
Third piece of evidence: In his 'best MS Paint works'(Made AFTER he plagiarized) it isn't listed because he only downloaded the video.
Fourth piece of evidence: The video was released WAY after the original release date. 
I hate people sometimes! They just tick me off! I want to leap through the screen to that guy and say, "You suck and have no talent," and then punch him in the face. 
So this was my quick rant about something I really, really, REALLY hate. Don't plagiarize, please. 

Original vid --->

Plagiarist Vid --->

(IDK if you can copy/paste it, but if not type it in. Sorry!)

EDIT: The jerk finally removed his video! Yay! I have to get back to my schoolwork though, so version 2.0 pinkblackhamlett, signing off. 

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